Monday, September 26, 2011

get in mah bellay!


I've been on the Greek yogurt bandwagon ever since I tried it, but it just got to a whole new level.

I'm just sitting doing my homework this morning and I pull out some breakfast.

I look and I'm like, "Oh, hi.  I accidentally bought 2%."

I am NEVER buying 0% again.  Seriously, this was the best stuff I have ever tasted.

Worth all 2.5 grams of fat.

Friday, September 23, 2011

it's my rite

Yesterday morning I woke up on my own about forty minutes before I needed to leave for class.  
It felt great.

Then I decided to just not go to class.  
That felt better.

So, I spent the day (mostly) by myself and being productive.  

Roomie and I got groceries and things in the morning 
and moved this helpful fellow into the apartment:
Lemme tell ya.  It was time for him to come.

Then I spent the afternoon cleaning and reading up on writing & Russian.

I needed it.  It was almost better than taking myself on a date.

Then Karma decided to pay a visit.
We couldn't watch Glee.

But now it's Friday and things are even better in the world.
And Glee worked.

Stay tuned for a recap of tonight's football game
and a weekend on the town.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

the most giantest fruit i ever did see

I shall call this series "mango: bigger than your brain"

Monday, September 19, 2011


This is what Sunday looks like at college (I know now cause I've done it four times, right?):

I jump out of bed an hour after my alarm goes off and try on clothes til I get it right, stuff a piece of bread in my face, apply mascara, get rid of the morning breath, and slather on the lipstick to distract from my hair/zits/clothing that should be ironed.

Walk out the door to make the 30 second trek to church at 10.40, which I've decided is the most perfect time for church.

Laugh, cry, and sleep for three hours (all while being spiritually enriched).

Ward choir is amazing.  Though I miss my choir friend Jaymie in Cville, I've never had so much fun.  The boys are great, our director is genius, and we sound dang good.  Come see us.

Sleep, linner, sleep, "study."

Ward prayer, stalk boys.

Tunnel singing.

Write missionary letters.  I've already gotten two letters from my best friend missionary man.  That's basically a letter a week.  That makes me happy.


Not make dinner.

Wait until after tunnel singing to begin weekend's homework.  It's Monday now anyway, so I feel less guilty...

Go to firesides.  Last week was Elder & Sister Oaks and as I'm sure you've heard by now, it was incredible.  I'll elaborate another time.

Anyway, Sundays are great days.  Mondays are still not.

Monday, September 12, 2011

fresh meat

The weekend before classes started was New Student Orientation.  I don't like orientations.  Campus tours in a group of thirty is not my idea of fun and I hate group games (so much).  Luckily I had a pretty great group and my leaders only insisted we play getting to know you games, which I can deal with.  I still don't like everyone knowing I'm a freshman though.

Anyway, it was a good time, but a long time.  I was done and I needed to see a friend.  Hannah is a smarty pants and had already been in Ptown for a week.  We met up for food one afternoon and it was the best time I had all weekend long.  

As we scarfed our Taco Bell (naturally), the most darling woman came up to talk to us.  Her name is Nancy, she has down syndrome, and she works in the CougarEat.  She's also very high functioning and hilarious.  Imagine a sweet & silly grin and a twinkle in her eye and you got her.  After chatting for a few minutes, this happened:

Nancy: What do you do during orientation?
Us: Well, basically, they just talk at you a lot.
Nancy: How do you make them stop?


Nancy: So are you guys busy tonight?
Us: Sorry, but we are!  For orientation they have some fun things you can choose to do tonight for free, and we're going to the science museum.  
Nancy: What's the fun part?

For real though, this girl is hilarious.
I love meeting new people.

here we are

This time last year I was with my best friends in the most ridiculous government class known to man. The "teacher" made us watch a video on 9/11 that made me feel more sick and less proud. There was a period after the attacks that I felt that way. My stomach constantly in knots because I didn't understand why a human being could act so awful to others. But, I'm proud again. Proud of the people who do what's right and proud that I grew up understanding.
I was in third grade. I remember feeling so old, but I wish no eight year old had to try to understand these things. As far as I remember I was the first student to know, and the teachers still knew very little because it was happening as we got our spelling words for the week. My step dad came down the street to school to tell me because my mom was on a plane headed to Utah for my grandma's birthday on that very day.
It was weird.  I was scared and I wanted my mom home.  I've always kind of looked forward to the anniversary because when I can get a good cry from hearing someone's story with a happy ending, or even a sad one that evokes hope, I grab it by the horns.  For all the times I roll my eyes at what people do or say, there are ten more times that I am amazed and humbled by the good in the world.
It's become a big deal to share where you were on that day ten years ago, but there are people out there who still need to share their story.  Some can't in this life and we appreciate them and pray for their families.

Friday, September 9, 2011

"i wish college was really an amusement park. clown college?"

This is why I'm paying for higher education.

One day a ferris wheel showed up outside the library.
We may or may not have giggled like little girls.
I also heard rumors of a Disney sing-a-long on the premises.

Also, I went to the temple tonight and was baptized by
a man with an Irish accent.  Oh, hi.  Twas beautiful.

Also talked to Harry Potter while taking out the garbage.  
Did I tell you he's in my ward?

Happy almost weekend, loves.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


you know when something is so beautiful, you just can't stop watching or hearing?

that's my inspiration.
and when it happens, i can't let go.

i can't tell you how many times i've listened to this song,
but it's been on repeat ever since i found it last night.

it's been one week

since i moved in.
since my best friend went to the MTC.
since i've seen family.
since i've been sane.

i bought a printer tonight and set it up all by myself.
i found some drawers under my bed.
i'm peeing and blowing my nose every 5 sec.

and i'm worn out.

homework will have to wait til morn.
yay for not having class til 10.